June 22nd, 2007

As of today, we have over 9,000 locations documented on Stickymap!  Thanks to all of our uses who have contributed to this 9,000.  When we reach 10K, I’ll try to break the numbers down by region.  We’re considering having a running counter on the site when we do some redesigns – and I’m sure user opinion on this issue will affect our decision.


New Icon Selector

June 22nd, 2007

Today, we released the new icon selector on Stickymap.com. Instead of having to look through the tree structure, there’s a single general search to find the icon you are looking for. Hopefully, this framework will m ake it easier for you to find the icon that you want.

The new selector appears in four places: the sifter, marker creation, changing marker “settings”, and editing a marker’s description. Changing the icon can be done through either the marker’s settings or through changing it’s description. This is because we used to have it all done on one page (the change description page). There should probably be a single, easy to access place to change the icon of a marker.

If you are a user, let us know what you think of the new icon controller. Do you find it easier to use? How do you think we can improve it? Shortly, we’re going to take a look at marker creation, and try to make that easier to use. The new icon selector is just one step in this initiative.


Choosing Your Icons

June 20th, 2007

There are over 150 different icon images to choose from in Stickymap. When users create a marker, or use the sifter, they are asked to choose one specific icon. In order to find the icon that they are looking for, the users have to struggle through categories and sub-categories in order to find the one they want. This is a tedious process, and even when a user has a particular icon in mind, it’s not always clear which category to look under.

That’s why we’re working on a new way to search icons – the 21st century way. No longer will users have to click and unclick categories, unsure of what they’ll find. The new icon selector will be simple: users will just type in what they’re looking for in a search box, and the relevent choices will pop up. Users can use their own logic; they won’t be confined to ours.

This hasn’t been easy to implement, but so far it’s going more smoothly than expected. If you are a stickymap user, how can we make selecting an icon even easier for you? Let us know – and look out for this new interface feature in the near future.


Creating a Web 3.0 Local Search

June 17th, 2007

For the past week, we’ve been developing our local search capabilities and the results have been fantastic. We’ve decided to take a very challenging but innovative approach; to combine our Stickymap content with Yahoo! Local content and the Google Geocoding tool. When we introduce our new interface in a few weeks, our algorithm will search through the Stickymap database, the Yahoo! Local database, and the Google Geocoder database to return the most relevant results. While writing algorithms that return merged results from multiple databases is nothing new, we believe that we’re the first to implement this method for user generated content in local search. We are very excited to hear your thoughts and can not wait to make this interface available to our users.

Laying out a complicated homepage

June 11th, 2007

We just started working with a graphics designer to create our new home page. So far, we’ve had some useful discussion and results. Over the next few weeks, we plan to continue to refine the look and feel of the homepage so that it is easier for our users to interact with the software. We have always found it challenging to present our technology in an “easy to use” interface; it’s complicated and requires the user to make educated decisions. We do not want to create a homepage that is overwhelming. So, we’ve been testing out a few concepts with test subjects and we’re training a quality assurance intern to help us perfect our new homepage.
Please let us know if you would like to help us complete our project. We would especially be interested in graphic designers who would be interested in volunteering a few hours to offer advice and direction.

Registering for Stickymap.com: our automated emails.

June 5th, 2007

I’m glad to see this project move forward and this blog is going to be a great reference and forum for the work that we’ve been doing.

One of the great things about Stickymap is that we allow users to share their unique geographic information. Given this goal, we need to upgrade our system for registering and activating users. Activation is the process whereby users prove that they own a given email address by clicking a link sent to their inbox. Today we found a bug in the activation email where the URL was given out incorrectly. I fixed the problem so that future emails will be correct, and even the incorrect activation URLs will now work as expected. Thanks to all the users who took the time to send us an email and alert us to the problem!

We’re currently working on a system of nicer HTML emails. Some users have reported that of our registration emails have ended up in their spam folder. It seems that the evil spammers have made it difficult even to send requested emails. We’re looking at ways to reduce the likelihood of our emails being sent to the spam folder. We’d appreciate anyone’s ideas and expertise.

In the future when this system is improved, look for more advanced automated email options: you’ll be able to watch points of interest for changes, or perhaps receive messages through your profile. Please send us any other ideas you may have.


Upgrading our server

June 3rd, 2007

The time has finally come for us to upgrade to a more powerful server. We realized that the host we were using would not be able to handle our requirements, considering our current growth rates. However, the last few weeks have been quite painful, as we’ve been transferring our databases to the new server. Unfortunately, the transition has created a few problems, but we’ve been able to solve most of them. Currently, we’re trying to figure out how to send our emails past the spam filters. If you are an expert in email servers, we’d really appreciate your help!


First blog post

June 2nd, 2007

Max and I are excited to launch the Stickymap blog.  We’ll be using the blog as a forum; we want our users to be able to communicate in a friendly setting and keep on top of our progress.  Please feel free to leave comments and offer suggestions.  The next few months are going to be quite exciting, as we’ll be launching our Beta version by October 1, 2007. 

It is hard to believe that the Stickymap project has been live for over a year. And in that time, the website has been visited by thousands of individuals who have shared special locations in their neighborhoods for all to see.  We never imagined that the website would become so popular, and we can not wait to release new functionality and a new interface by October 1. In the mean time, we’ll be launching different features piece meal; as we receive feedback, we’ll refine the components.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll keep you posted on the progress of our technical development as well as what is causing us trouble.  If you have questions or want to help us complete a task, do not hesitate to reach out.

Thanks so much for all of the support,


Grand Avenue Village Association

January 8th, 2007


  • GAVA, an association of small businesses located along Grand Avenue in New Haven Connecticut, wanted a way to display its relationships with its partners and provide an online interface for its community to interact
  • GAVA created a custom map of its neighborhood that allows its community to see where all of its partnerships are located. Businesses are represented by graphical icons and community members are able to upload photos, leave comments, and edit the wiki description

Empower New Haven

January 8th, 2007


  • Empower New Haven, a community organization in New Haven Connecticut with a mission to increase home ownership, wanted an interactive way to demonstrate its impact and display its relationships with other organizations in the community
  • Empower New Haven’s Chief Information Officer created several custom maps using Stickymaps’ Community Group control panel. The group invites its visitors to explore its custom maps and regularly updates its maps with new content