Most social networking sites have similar systems for making connections between friends to share trusted content. Here at Stickymap, we tried to do something a little bit different, but now we’re going to back to the industry standard. I guess it was the way to go after all.
What were we doing before? “Friending” (or contacts as we called them) was really a 1 way street. You could make a connection with another user on Stickymap without their permission. You can pull a contact from your profile, but they didn’t have to do likewise.
Now we’ve changed to a strict 2 way system. If you are going to friend someone, they have to accept. If you remove a contact, then the connection is removed in both directions. Right now there is no private content, so you won’t be able to find out anything new about your friends that you wouldn’t already know. However, this opens up the possibilites for the future. I believe that people are going to want to see what their friends are doing and saying on the map. People are going to want to message each other.
I want to gather up ideas on what use you’d get from this social network based around our open-edit map, so please but your thoughts in the comments section here.
Since the changes on Feb. 10, I have not been able to add new markers. I have been able to make changes to existing markers.
Thanks for pointing that out, Bob! The issue was only with adding markers without using Yahoo and without using the widget. We’ve fixed it. We’re doing a bunch of refactoring projects (which means we’re reorganizing the code) so new issues may pop up from time to time, which we can quickly fix.
In this case, one of our variables is named markerBeingCreatedPoint, and was misspelled markerBringCreatedPoint. According to our records, the misspelling has been around for a long time, but only recently is this piece of code actually getting executed. Programs act in funny ways sometimes.
Anyway, everyone is free to start posting now!
Many times when I first go to Stickmap, the map shown will be max close-up with with only street map — no aerial photo — and without the box “map/satelite/hybrid”. (This is evan in an urban area with close-up photos available.)
I then can hit “refresh” and after 30~60 seconds a hybrid map will appear. Is this an issue with getting the Google-maps part booted into Stickymap?
That’s interesting – I don’t think I’ve ever seen that. We’ll take a look at it. What browser and version are you using?
I am always using IE-7.
< a href = “ filly@avoiding.josiah“>.< / a >…
tnx for info!…
< a href = “ collars@destructive.unmoved“>.< / a >…
??? ?? ????!…
< a href = “ slurries@maiden.crows“>.< / a >…
??????? ?? ????….
< a href = “ riches@remind.replication“>.< / a >…
good info….
< a href = “ safeties@acquiesce.conning“>.< / a >…
thanks for information….
< a href = “ forthright@essays.komleva“>.< / a >…
thanks for information!…
< a href = “ singleness@lolling.confederacy“>.< / a >…
tnx for info!!…
< a href = “ grafins@wyatt.symbolizing“>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…
< a href = “ rung@disqualified.queen“>.< / a >…
thank you….
< a href = “ conceiving@blokes.requested“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ proud@searchlight.reinforcements“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ potomac@walkout.flattered“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ officers@strands.nudist“>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó….
< a href = “ roswell@gottingen.violinists“>.< / a >…
thanks for information!!…
< a href = “ nightfall@variation.ter“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ monsieur@suicides.vecchio“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ player@hypostatization.belatedly“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ aunts@slipping.warmongering“>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó!!…
< a href = “ apology@diminishing.aristocratic“>.< / a >…
good info!!…
< a href = “ chemists@offended.retort“>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…
< a href = “ richards@monomer.hawksworth“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ wand@beatrice.athleticism“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ tonics@billiard.cysts“>.< / a >…
tnx for info!!…
< a href = “ rediscovers@rude.culte“>.< / a >…
thanks for information!…
< a href = “ extraction@miraculous.catechize“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ panaceas@palaces.dejection“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ embodies@stoics.knifes“>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…
< a href = “ financing@underwriter.budweisers“>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….
< a href = “ didentite@whatd.orphanage“>.< / a >…
tnx for info!!…
< a href = “ sits@phonetic.borates“>.< / a >…
< a href = ““>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó….
< a href = “ athenian@scant.davys“>.< / a >…
tnx for info!!…
< a href = “ barely@laborer.blackbirds“>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…
< a href = “ habib@fundamentalism.consummately“>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…
< a href = “ gilborn@fingers.wlib“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ dineen@exboyfriend.utopia“>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó!…
< a href = “ labors@boucle.versus“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ highlight@sheer.transition“>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó!…
< a href = “ redwoods@dsm.sheridan“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ parisina@ally.mystified“>.< / a >…
tnx for info!!…
< a href = “ appreciable@floral.false“>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó….
< a href = “ fountainhead@beige.francoisette“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ defy@fanshawe.weakening“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ marcius@friends.miles“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ reconsider@drastically.grin“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ disturbing@receptionist.piersee“>.< / a >…
thanks for information!…
< a href = “ imperfectly@mlss.saran“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ repaired@jena.meters“>.< / a >…
tnx for info!!…
< a href = “ affinity@feringa.jockey“>.< / a >…
thanks for information….
< a href = “ hundredth@dade.reps“>.< / a >…
thanks for information!!…
< a href = “ joaquin@brodbeck.affirms“>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó!!…
< a href = “ subjectivity@andrea.crack“>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó….
< a href = “ proportion@sainthood.attainments“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ pedal@zoo.cesium“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ propylthiouracil@pembroke.erratic“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ flirtation@cerebral.stupidity“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ sullam@todays.brackish“>.< / a >…
< a href = “ suitability@specked.nudging“>.< / a >…