What is the HTML code I can use to place the Stickymap widget on my website or blog?
<iframe src=”http://www.stickymap.com/widget/mappage.php?w=500&h=400&loc=eastvillage,newyork,ny&z=14” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ vspace=”0″ hspace=”0″ frameborder=”0″ height=”420″ width=”500″></iframe>
How do I change the size of the widget?
You’ll have to change the HTML above in 2 places. On the first line where it says w=500&h=400, you’ll change the “500” to the width you want the map, in pixels, and you’ll change the “400” to the height you’ll want the map in pixels. You’ll also have to change the size of the iframe (where it says height=”420″ width=”500″). We recommend that the width matches the map width, and the height is 20 pixels larger.
How do I change the starting location and zoom level of the widget?
Look where it says “loc=eastvillage,newyork,ny&z=14″. Change “eastvillage,newyork,ny” to the name of the neighborhood or town you’d like to start in. Zip codes are also accepted. Where it says z=14, change the “14” to adjust the starting zoom level. The default is 15. The higher the number, the more zoomed in it will be. 17 is the maximum.
Does Stickymap place advertisements on the widget?
No advertisements are placed on the widget.
If someone posts something on Stickymap.com, or from another site with the widget, will it appear on my map?
Yes, it will. Stickymap is a shared resource across multiple domains.
How do you protect against vandalism and ill-placed locations?
We do some monitoring of the site usage ourselves. We hope that local blogs and websites will help by keeping a closer watch on their area. In particular, we can usually tell if something is junk, but if a building is marked on the wrong block, only members of the local community would know. Please report problems that you see through the site, or email admin@stickymap.com
I’m having trouble getting the widget up on my page. Would you help me out?
Yes, we will. Email admin@stickymap.com, and we’ll get right back to you.
How much does this cost?
The Stickymap widget is free. Stickymap is an open resource for the public to share its neighborhoods.